Monday, June 27

True Blood: S4 E2

Show: True Blood
Season: 4
Episode: 2
Original Airing: July 3, 2011

WOW! The season picks up in just the second episode. True Blood Episode Two is where things begin to tie in and the drama is building. Gosh, I wish I could watch all the episodes in one night. Forget that one episode per Sunday. I'm eating my words about the "loosely" part of my episode one review.

I know this review is early, but if you seen the True Blood commercials on HBO you know that they had a special viewing for the second episode on their itunes app and various HBO websites. Luckily for you guys that are reading this I embedded the episode at the bottom of this post. It's uploaded at Megavideo so it's free to watch. Enjoy. As usually I make the plot review short and to the point, as many of you are going to be watching the episode yourself in just a few minutes if you have not seen it already.

Eric did not bite Sookie as seen in the first episode. He tells her to accept his offer to become his because if she is not and anyone else comes to know of her special qualities they will not hesitate to drain her dry. She declines and tells Eric to leave.

Arlene is becoming more and more convinced that her baby is evil. When she looks deep into his eyes a vein bursts in her eye. She believes the baby did it. ( I just think she was looking to hard and strained her eye)

During the 1980s in London, through a less than chance meeting with Nan Flanagan who liked the fact that Bill never killed his prey, unlike most vamps, Bill became involved with The American Vampire League. This is why he was first choice for the new king of Louisiana after the death of Queen Sophie. Bill tells Nan that there is nothing special about Sookie. Basically, Queen Sophie was on a wild goose chase. Nan calmly explains that if Bill is lying to her than he will end of like Sophie Anne (dead!).

Sam is romantically interested in Luna, the shape shifter from his "anger management group". When she shows at Sam's job his little brother, Tommy, sees and asks who she is. Sam doesn't answer the question. During their night meeting, the group smells another shifter. Sam immediately knows who it is and takes off chasing his brother. When the brothers turn back into human form they confront each others lies. Tommy does not have leg injuries from Sam's bullet, so Sam has been paying his physical therapy bills for nothing. Sam is not really in anger management. Tommy confesses that he just wants to be real brothers with Sam and that he doesn't know how to start it the right way. Sam says each day they start hating each other a little less and that is how they can mend their relationship.

Jason wakes up in a empty room and tied to a bed. Andy shows up looking for V. Jason tries to scream but Crystal covers his mouth. Andy quietly leaves with the V that was handed to him by one of the Hotshot residents. The V is really from Felton, he sees that Andy is hooked on V from his shaking hands, but Felton is wanted by the cops so he can not appear. At the end of the episode, Felton and Crytal turn Jason into a panther because they want a panther baby, but Felton is "shooting blanks" so they need Jason's sperm.

Tara surprises Sookie with a visit. Sookie invites Tara inside when she discovers the new microwave, bottle of blood in the refrigerate, and the hidden cubby hole for Eric's daytime sleeping.

Lafayette and Jesus are heading out for their Wicca meeting when Tara appears. Tara tags along to the Wicca meeting. She sits in the back not participating in their conversation.  At the magic shop, Eric burst through the doors during the meeting. Eric demands that the witches stop practicing magic as a group. They may never met up again.  The head Wiccan does not agree, so Eric grabs her and his fangs come out. The rest of the Wiccans begin chanting their spells. Marnie, the head wiccan, is taken over by the spirts and she chants her latin spells. Eric stops dead in his tracks and he is unable to stop forcusing on Marnie. After the chanting Eric storms out of the magic shop. While driving home from Fangtasia Sookie sees Eric, shirtless, walking along the road. She calls his name but he does not answer. She stops the car and he turns to look at her while asking why she smells so good. Sookie relizes that something is wrong with Eric.

Damn He's tall
Looks like Nicole Scherzinger

Someone popped out of the 50s with that hair style
I love that picture! Don't know why
That looks painful...
He looks so innocent... paranoid, but innocent. 



  1. THANKS SO much for the video! I've been looking everywhere for this free.

  2. ^ NO prob. Almost all post have an embedded video of the episode or movie

