Saturday, February 5

Skins: S5 E2

Show: Skins
Season: 5
Episode: 2
Original Airing: Feb 3, 2011

This episode is all about Rich the lanky fellow with an enormous love for metal music, a metal head as he calls himself. Alo is convinced that Rich needs a girlfriend who is also a metal head so that he won't cramp his style with the normal dumb blonds that Rich hates. Frankie asks Grace for help with Rich, but is stopped in her tacks by Mini. Grace follows Mini and Liv out the door as if the night at the pool never existed. Grace was not tiring to be two-faced or phony toward Frankie, but after all she has been friends with Liv and Mini much longer. She just doesn't want to piss anyone off.

Grace finds Rich and talks him into letting her help him with the angel of death, a.k.a the metal head at the library. Rich takes Graces to the metal music store for a taste of the metal head ways Above the shop owner's head is the legendary golden record that is said to be so deep that to some people it sounds like nothing but white noise.

Grace, the self proclaimed actress, becomes the metal head of Rich's dreams when she walks into a bar dress to kill. Rich confronts her about her status as a follower of Queen Mini. The Angel of Death turns Rich down with a wave of distasteful comments.

Furious at Alo, Rich takes the money that he was supposed to spend of his mother's birthday present and bought the golden record for 500 pounds. Rich pumps up the volume till he blasted his ear drums.Unknowing if his hearing will come back he goes to Grace's ballet recital.  Rich tells her she danced beautifully and they head to Rich's metal  concert. Grace coward surf and Rich sees Grace in a whole other light. The next day at school Rich arrives with flowers for Grace and the hope of asking her out. Though Grace likes Rich, she gently turns him down before he can even ask her out.

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