The family lives on a compound on a island in Greece. The children are forced to stay into the compound at all times and will never be able to leave unless they get a dog tooth, the canine tooth found in humans, of course humans do not loss that tooth so the parents plan on keeping their children locked up forever. The children frequently listen to tapes made by their parents in order to educate them with new vocabulary- wrong vocabulary. For example, the mother tells the son that a zombie is a small yellow flower. This part especially annoyed me because if the children were to ever leave they would not be able to communicate with other Greek people.The parent's cruelness goes beyond this as they make the children preform usual task such as holding their breath the longest under water. The reward is stickers and being able to pick the family's nightly entertainment.
The father weekly picks up a woman by the name of Christina at her job in order to preform sexual favors for the son. The father blindfolds Christina each time on the way to the compound. Christina becomes unsatisfied with the sons performance and seeks out the oldest daughter. In order to get things in this family the children trade. Christina trades a headband for the eldest to lick her between her legs. The daughter has no clue of the nature of what shes doing because she had never been exposed to sex before. She does not know that this is not normal trading behavior.
The second time Christina seeks out sexual favors from the daughter she tries to trade hair gel, but the daughter refuses saying that the headband does not glow in the dark as Christina stated. Christina is forced to trade her two tapes: Jaws and Rocky. The daughter watches these taps in the middle of the night. This is when she begins to wonder about the outside world. The father finds the taps and beats the daughter over the head with them. Angerly, he goes to Christina's house and beats her with the VCR player. Knowing that he can not trust the outside people he makes the son choice a sister for his sexual needs by making him close his eyes and feel their breast and ass to see which he preferred. He choices the eldest daughter.
The mother puts makeup on the daughter to prepare her for this sexual encounter. The daughter is visual uncomfortable during the whole time. After, she quotes a line from Rocky threatening him if he ever tried that again. This is just weird, not only are they bad parents but now they are making their children preform incest. And you thought your parents were bad!
The eldest daughter is completely unhappy in her world. She wants out now. In the night she smashes her dog tooth out with a dumbbell. Smiling with a face covered in blood she walks out to the car and lockes herself in the boot. The movie fades to black after the father finds his daughter missing and heads to out in the morning. We are not told or shown the daughter's faith.
These are horrible parents. If you think your parents are bad then you need to see this film! During the whole movie the parents act completely normal toward the children and make up lies as they go to keep the children from rebelling. Some of the lies told are as followed. After a cat gets into the yard and the son kills it because he has never seen anything such as that in his life, The mother and father tell the children that a cat is a dangerous creature that will kill you. The father comes in the house with ripped up clothes and states that a cat got the eldest brother whom the children have never seen because he does not exist. The parents told the children that they locked the son out after he misbehavior in order to keep them obedient. The mother states that she is pregnant with a dog and twins. The dog will be born, but if the children are good the twins will not and no one will have to share a room. Somehow after this move your parents telling you that babies came from a island or huge flying bird just doesn't have the same feeling of being lied to anymore. Does it?
I would recommend this movie to just about anyone that is comfortable with nude scenes and thoughts of incest. This movie deals with adult content and is not for anyone under 16, maybe 18 depending on your views. So parents do not show this movie to your kids to prove how good you are compared to the ones of this film. LOL. The movie moves at a slow pace but you will be so intrested by the parents lack of sanity toward their children you won't even notice.
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